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The best age to teach the Quran to kids

A question often asked at False to True academy The best age to teach the Quran to kids is starting from age 3. At that age, a kid’s mind is attentive and observant, with a sound capacity for memorization, and a vigorous desire to mimic and imitate. Some preferable methods of memorizing Quran for kids include:

How To Memorize Quran?

The Holy Quran is the book of Allah by which the Muslim gets closer to Allah through reciting it and memorizing what he can of the Holy Quran verses. many people don't know the right method to memorize the Holy Quran easily and without help, this is what we will clarify. How to memorize the Holy Quran Memorizing the Holy Quran is one of the important matters which the Muslim should persist, Imam Ibnul-Kaiem said in his book (The Prophetic medicine): (( Each organ you train more becomes stronger, especially on that type of sport and the same goes with the rest of the body organs. If you memorize more, you will have good memory and if you think more, your intellect will be sharper)). There are some matters which the Muslim should care about when memorizing the Holy book of Allah to memorize it easily, they are:

Five Quran miracles that puzzled the world

1- Allah said: {And we made from water every living thing. Will they not believe?} (Al-Anbiya: verse 30) Modern science has proved that the body of any living being is made of a large percentage of water. If a human being loses 25% of his water, he’ll certainly die, because all chemical reactions within the cells of a living being happen only in an aqueous medium. So, from where did Muhammad - peace be upon him- know this medical information?
